New Repaint Reporter Magazine: Communicating expertise and success around EMEA

Following the success of the Repaint Reporter distributed in the United States and Canada – actually one of the industry’s longest-running publications - the EMEA magazine is set to truly reflect the essence of PPG in the region: promise of coating leader, colour leadership, OEM expertise and Business Solutions key provider.

The purpose of REPAINT REPORTER is to provide PPG users, but also generally those involved in repair and refinishing located within the EMEA region, with valuable and regular information on activities and projects of PPG.

The content is judiciously developed to represent PPG beyond product and technical specifications. It aims to portray success stories around the region, depict our Refinish strategy, update readers on our latest innovations and launches as well as inform users on best practices and premium services.

As well as some ‘Special Features’ in each issue, regular features will include news from our Company and SBU, business solution articles, special reports on trends, product and colour latest information with also a special focus on customer stories to name but a few. The magazine will provide comprehensive coverage and will be an ideal platform to educate refinish professionals about how they can continue to prosper in a competitive industry with our brand.


Please click on the cover to discover our first issue

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