DELFLEET ® High Performance UHS Clearcoat

Product Description

F3913 is a high quality 2-pack UHS Clearcoat specifically formulated for the Commercial Transport market to provide outstanding gloss and durability over either solvent or waterborne Basecoats.

When used correctlly it fully meets the current European VOC legislation of less than 420 g/l.

Product Code: F3913


Application Process

Mixing by volume





3 vol

1 vol

0.5 vol


Potlife at 20°C

 2 hours


Spray viscosity 

19 - 22 sec. DIN4/20º

Spraygun Size

1.4-1.8 mm.


Number of Coats


20ºC Flash off

Between coats

Before bake


10 minutes

No Flash-off required

Drying times

20°C Through dry

60ºC Bake


16 Hours

30 mins.

 For additional information, consult technical data sheet RLD303V.